Dátum: 13. 9. 2023, 16:02:02
Pre: robert.hajsel@europarl.europa.eu, martin.hojsik@europarl.europa.eu, ivan.stefanec@europarl.europa.eu
Dear Member of ITRE
We hereby take the liberty of addressing you on an issue of the utmost importance.
Europeans for Safe Connections, is a European NGO, representing over twenty organisations in Europe that works in the public interest to help to reduce the impact of wireless technologies on health and the environment.
Slovakia is represented by NGO Elektrosmog a zdravie.
A you may know on 19 September the ITRE Committee, of which you are a member, will be asked to vote on the Gigabit Infrastructure Act, a draft regulation proposed by the European Commission to speed up the roll-out of digital infrastructure, namely fibre optics and 5G, and make it less costly and burdensome for operators.
We are writing to you because we believe that fibre optics and 5G are diametrically opposed and cannot be treated in the same way. Optical fibre has many advantages compared to 5G in terms of energy efficiency and the absence of electromagnetic radiation.
The impact assessment of the draft regulation produced by the Commission seems to us to be largely insufficient. The French Health Agency (ANSES) is carrying out a number of expert assessments – still in progress – on subjects as important as the carcinogenicity of radio frequencies and the questioning of the exposure limits currently in force.
We would be very glad to exchange views and options on the issue in a video conference.
Would it be possible to have an online video meeting on 14th of September or 15th of September?
Thank you very much!
Yours sincerely,
Petra Bertová Polovková
CEO of the NGO Elektrosmog a zdravie
Board member of Europeans for Safe Connection ,
Rob van der Boom
Chair of Europeans for Safe Connections
Read more in our article GIA – Najnovší drakonický návrh zákona z EÚ o 5G